
宁夏西班酒庄 位于贺兰山东麓产区青铜峡市鸽子山,西靠贺兰山山脉,东临母亲河黄河。这里有世界遗产黄河古灌区,千秋流润惠泽葡园;绵延的贺兰山为葡园阻挡了西北来的风沙和寒流;富含硒与矿物质的石砾与灰钙土质,让葡萄的根系可以抓取更丰富的营养,这些构成了西班酒庄独特的风土。





Ningxia Xiban Winery, situated in the Dove Mountain vineyards area at Helan Mountain’s east foothill of Ningxia, with the Helan Mountains to the west and the Yellow River to the east. Located in the world heritage area of the ancient Yellow River irrigation district, the millennium-old canals continue to nourish the vineyards. The continuous Helan Mountains shield the vineyard from northwest winds, sandstorms, and cold air currents. The pebbles rich in selenium and minerals, along with the yellow river water with its gray calcareous soil, allow the grape roots to absorb deeper nutrients.

Ningxia Xiban Winery covers an area of 380 hectares (about 5700 mu). The main grape varieties include Marselan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Syrah, and Petit Verdot. Among them, Marselan has the largest continuous planting area in Ningxia for about 73 hectares (about 1100 mu). The entire vineyard adopts organic cultivation and organic fertilizers to maintain the ecological environment, protect the land for sustainable cultivation, and obtains the Chinese organic certification. The vineyard has been divided into 17 meticulously managed small vineyard areas. The vineyard is strictly controlled from 6000 to 9000 kilograms per hectare. Each variety is harvested separately by manual picking to preserve the original characteristics of the terroir. The annual production has reached an impressive 1000,000 bottles of premium wines.

Xiban·Dragon, a Marselan product brewed by Ningxia Xiban Winery, won the Berliner Wein Trophy Gold Medal.

Xiban·North Frontier, a Cabernet Sauvignon product brewed by Ningxia Xiban Winery won the Asian Wine Competition Double-Gold Prize

Xiban No. 1, the Ningxia Tempranillo's first brew won the Decanter World Wine Awards Silver Medal

Xiban Winery Building (under construction) is located in Qingtongxia wine town on the east side of the Xiban vineyard, with a total area of about 4,500 square meters, including wine-making area, wine-filling area, underground oak barrel cellar, bottled aging wine cellar, tourist reception center, professional tasting area, wine and coffee leisure area, open-air barbecue area, featured Hotels, etc. The winery is designed with capacity of 400 tons per year.

Grow good grapes and make good wine.

Let the people drink good wine is always the unchanging original intention of Xiban.
